Risks of texting/talking over mobile while bike riding

Bike riding is a great fun only on highway roads; however, negotiating your metal machine through the chaotic city traffic is such a pain.

Daily commuting in city traffic is like as if you are preparing to enter the battlefield fully armoured to have a safe ride to your destination. You wear your helmet, jacket, shoes etc., and are completely set to face the ruthless traffic. But then are you really safe or rather consider all the safety measures before mounting your bike?

If you say 'yes you do' then that is completely false, as you are reading this you might simultaneously be messaging or talking to someone. Yes we have become so enslaved to mobile phone that we can never part from our cell phone. And the dangerous fact is that we are using the damn thing to text or talk even while riding through city traffic.

Give it a thought...
It is totally understandable that you need mobile phone to make/take important calls, send a message that could be your top priority. But just imagine if you engage yourself over phone while riding the risks that you will have to face. Now isn't that scary?

The most important factor to riding safe is to have 100% concentration, and if you get distracted even for a second it puts your life and someone else's life at danger. You might well say that I have been riding for over 20 years now and I have enough knowledge and experience to handle any kind of a situation.

However, experienced and confident rider you maybe accidents do not really depend on your years of experience they will just occur when your concentration lapses even for a split second; and much before you realize what has happened it can cost someone's life or put your life in danger.

The disaster won't ask your permission before it arrives so all you have to do as a responsible rider is stay cautious.

Take care
By now if you have realized the importance of safe riding then please save yourself from a possible hazard. Try to avoid taking/making calls while riding and if it is that important that you need to take a call, good thing is to stop the vehicle and take it off the traffic zone and then attend your call or send a message.

See that you set your phone on a busy tone or tones that will send across the message to the person trying to reach that you are either busy or riding, which will make your ride peaceful and tension free. Set yourself as an example of responsible and sensible driver to your children.

It is up to you to think about your own safety that will in turn save others too. Remember you have got one life and you need to take care; take the first step towards safety.

Watch this video produced to tell the consequences of texting while driving

CAUTION: The video contains content that is appropriate for those who are over 18 years of age!

Written by .
Last updated on 18-03-2014. Published on 05-01-2010.
Published by Bikes4Sale in category Tips
Latest Comments. Share Your Opinion
Very true. If you want to use ur mobile phone while driving, stop the vehicle and use it.
By Raj on 11-01-2010
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