Tubeless tyres or standard tyres- which one to go for?

It is because of the tyres that the bikes performance changes. Different tyres suit to different riding environments. While standard tyres suit smooth rides, tubeless tyres could be great for tougher rides.

The craze for tubeless tyres is slowly spreading here in India too. But if you ask it is essential to run your bike on tubeless tyres, then the answer is depends on how you may want to use your bike.

Stunning front bike tyre

You might want to know the benefits of these tubeless tyres:

Tubeless tyres use lower air pressure than standard tyres and the performance of bikes is enhanced with low air pressure. But if the air pressure is lowered in standard tyres, they are prone to get flat sooner. Additionally, if the air pressure is low there is better traction and increased suspension which influence the amount of pressure that is taken by bike on a hard ride.

In general, different rides call for different tires. So to know what to get out of the bike actually helps a great deal in influencing your decision regarding the type of tyres you are going to put on your bike.

In case you use the bike for different rides and under different environments, it doesn't hurt to have these two types of tyres and change according to the requirements as and when needed.

Wide Rear Tyre For Bikes

The installation of these special tubeless tyres doesn't involve too much of a science, but before that you need to know the compatibility of your other bike parts to these special tubeless tyres.

Written by .
Last updated on 12-01-2017. Published on 11-09-2009.
Published by Bikes4Sale in category Tips
Latest Comments. Share Your Opinion
i think tubeless tyre advantage is wen u get it suck. i mean wen it is been pinched with particles on bad road
By Zic on 11-03-2013
I found tubeless better as it runs on low air pressure too. Changing both tyres now to tubeless and going to test it on a 4000 kms run in 8 days. Ill update you all by end of next month. But over all tubeless is better. - my bike is a Discover 125.
By Roger on 31-01-2011
Hey man, from to buy the same in Hyderabad; I am presently using Hercules ACT 110 Plus bicycle, it is a hybrid
By Rajesh on 30-09-2010
this tips helped me very much n idecided2 use tubiess tyres
By Nilesh on 06-03-2010
did tubeless tires decreases the speed????
By Ankit on 08-03-2010
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