Mahindra, have rebranded the name of their 125 cc scooter Duro DS as Duro DZ. The company has launched its new scooter at Hyderabad that too with a very attractive price tag. Mahindra, who knows the Indian customers, have announced this price in order to attract the middle class as well as the youth.
Duro DZ is been launched in Hyderabad says the latest press release. Mahindra have planned to launch the vehicle in India as different phases. As a part of this, Duro will be available only in south India in the initial phase. That means, the north Indians will have to wait for sometime to get the scooter.
The prices of the newly launched Duro DZ in different states of south India is as shown below...
Andhra Pradesh: Rs 44,640
Kerala: Rs 44,908
Tamil Nadu: Rs 45,235
Karnataka: Rs 44,760
Delhi: Rs 42,332
Mahindra is planning to sell the current Duro in the market as a basic variant and the newly coming Duro DZ as the premium variant. The new Mahindra Duro DZ offers a unique combination of superior power, advanced telescopic suspension and a variety of other important durability and safety related features. With all this features, Mahindra is confident of the good show of the new launch.