Mahindra Inaugurates India's Third Largest R&D Centre

Mahindra 2 Wheelers Ltd, the whole subsidiary venture of Mahindra Group inaugurated its Research and Development centre in Pune. It's considered to be the third largest R&D centre in the country. Initially company has invested Rs.100 crore to the R&D centre. The centre is comprised of efficient 175 engineers and post modern designers. To strengthen company's technology and developments, further amount of Rs.500 crore will be added in due course of time.

Mahindra Inaugurates R&D Centre

"The two-wheeler segment in India offers sizeable opportunity, and if you succeed there is substantial scale to be obtained. We are targeting Rs 20,000 crore by 2020" said Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Mahindra Group, Mr. Anand Mahindra.

Investing a huge amount, Mahindra Group targets a revenue of Rs.20,000 crore by 2010, which is not an impossible achievement in this progressing two wheeler industry. The company which has already launched a scooter, Rodeo RZ, is planning to unveil 3 more motorcycles including much awaited 300cc sports bike, Mojo this fiscal year itself.

"The new dedicated facility, home to over 175 engineers and designers, will enable us to harness the technology of the future to create tomorrow's products. It will allow us to design in India for the discerning Indian consumer. The micro hybrid technology developed for the new Duro DZ is a clear validation of the value it offers the business," added Mr. Mahindra.

The newly opened R&D centre will gear up new miles to Mahindra Group as well as to Indian automobile industry.
Written by .
Last updated on 05-07-2012. Published on 05-07-2012.
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