Though it's not officially announced, it is almost becoming a fact that Pune based predominant real estate group DS Kulkarni Developers Limited is in the final processes to bag Garware's share in Hyosung. Handling many business sectors, DSK group might have thought about two-wheeler entrepreneurship to their name. And they chose to invest with South Korean Premium bike manufacture Hyosung Motorcycles.
This news has become a shock to Hyosung fans. As Hyosung's latest model GT250R is yet to be launched, how this replacement will affect GT250R's sale.
The sources are not clear, why Garware sold out to DSK? For how much? As the confirmation about the deal is still remaining a rumour, final words are to be delivered from Hyosung authority. Currently Hyosung India offers the GT650R, GT650N and ST7 motorcycles. And thereafter the GV650 will be launching soon this year following the GV250 is scheduled to arrive in 2013.