Company is anticipating much about the response on this one. Ninja H2 is said to have captured the spirit of the 1972 750cc Kawasaki Mach IV H2, nick named "The Wheelie King". Mac IV H2 played a revolutionary part in contributing to the "scarily-fast, good looking, no holds barred motorcycles" image of Kawasaki. Hence, Ninja H2 is expected to add to the glamor with its much loaded tag line "Built beyond belief". Mac IV H2 had a three cylinder two-stroke engine with an engine displacement of 748 cc while the new Ninja H2 might arrive with the much rumored super charged four cylinder engine.

However the company seems to be extremely quiet about any details that might give away the aura of the product. Kawasaki's official press release defines H2 as "Drawing on skills and experience from experts within not just the company's motorcycle division but across its aerospace, gas turbine and other high-technology contemporary manufacturing disciplines as well, Kawasaki is anticipating huge international interest in the project that has evocatively been christened Ninja H2. Harnessing the power of the Kawasaki manufacturing group 'collective strength', the H2 will represent a unified engineering and state of the art technology approach."
We can only wait and see as the dream comes true on September 30th at Cologne, Germany.
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