is this car in the country of bengal to any dealet ? or whether it is coming to bangiladesh, if not ,if i want to ring a rticity 125 scooty to bangdesh, pls let me know the rules and regulatios.thank you.
By Md Kamal Uddinba on 14-02-2023
i am bangladeshi ,i like the yamaha tricity 125 cc scooty bd import posivle , pls price bd arrival price pls ans.
By Md Kamal Uddinba on 14-02-2023
Is this available in Gangtok Sikkim?
By Amosh Rai on 06-11-2019
I need this bike where it will get plz replay
By Kobir on 09-07-2019
I need this bike.i like Yamaha tricity 125
By Amish Kumar ,patna on 24-01-2019
I Hardy need of this bike please do hurrying
By Afroz Ali on 01-06-2017
When can I ride this bike in Pune?👍
By Joe F on 22-12-2016
I must need this bike
By Imran on 08-10-2016
Very quick launch by india tricity bike very useful handicap