In his latest performance in the 'Pipe Dream' was a near death experience for the lad, as a wave descended on him as close sources say. Well we're lucky we still have our finest stunt rider in one piece. The bike that was used to performed this jaw dropping stunt is a modified dirt bike, which is Maddo's personal acquisition. It's taken three years for filming this 4 minute stunt. The rider has taken ample amount of time for preparing for this stunt and luckily it was a success when performed finally. One of the biggest challenges the team faced was the feel of the ocean water and how the bike would handle in the water. The DC crew spent a few days hunting for suitable locations and later finalized in Tahiti, which is the largest islands in the French Polynesia, the South Pacific archipelago.

Maddo's early attempts involved a Honda CR500R, outfitted with two skins, one beneath the front wheel and a larger one that extended from beneath the frame back to the rear wheel. This was outfitted with a paddle tire normally used for dune riding. With no existing water bike projects to learn from, Maddison and his team experimented with a wide range of options, including dozens of different ski and tire options, even a KTM 450 SX-F four-stroke. Each time the bike sunk, it was a learning experience for the team, infact trying to not get the bike to sink was a great deal. Zeroing to a two-stroke for the final setup, a KTM 250 SX was roped in.

If you haven't yet taken four minutes of your time to watch this incredible stunt, then do watch it ASAP!! Quoting well known American screenwriter and humorist Bruce Feirstein words “The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.” So if your planning to perform some similar stunt, then the only advice that can be provided for you is to Ride Safe.