Bajaj Plans to Launch Ninja 150cc Versions?

A rumour has been garrisoned in news columns that the official partner of Kawasaki in India, Bajaj Auto Ltd plans to launch the younger siblings of Ninja series. There will be two variants namely, Ninja 150RR and Ninja 150ZX. As it's conveyed in the name, the bikes will be powered by 150cc engine. The Japanese auto giant might have realized that a strong opponent was a must to compete with R15 and CBR150R.

Kawasaki Ninja 150

The most attractive strategy of Ninja 150 is the dynamic two stroke engine, mated with an enormous power of 30 bhp that matches no bikes in this segment.

As no official confirmations are reported yet, all Ninja fans are requested to patiently wait for the accurate details regarding the bike. We will be frequently providing you the updated news on this.

Kawasaki Ninja 150
Written by .
Last updated on 21-06-2012. Published on 21-06-2012.
Published by Bikes4Sale in category News

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good looking but the front bumper and doom is not so gooooooooooodddddddd................
By Khan on 24-06-2012

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